2009年11月2日 星期一

Tsang should allow facts to speak

english.mingpao.com/critic.htm YESTERDAY Chief Executive Donald Tsang launched a high-profile attack on some media organisations, criticising them for the way they had reported allegations about his compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) policy and the compensation his sister-in-law had got for her investment in a Lehman Brothers product. He used strong words. Nevertheless, however strong it may be, such a reaction will not help ascertain the truth. It would instead intensify the situation. It is totally understandable for him to want to be treated fairly. However, there are reasonable grounds for suspicion about the two affairs. Neither what he says nor what any other invloved in either of them says would dispel it. In our opinion, Tsang should order that all information on the way his CFL policy was formulated be made public. As for the compensation his sister-in-law has received, the bank in question may be asked to disclose the information on her case. To win citizens' trust, Tsang should allow facts to speak.
Most of the legislators disapprove of Tsang's counter-attack on the media. That shows Hong Kong people are very jealous of their freedom of expression and they do not want public opinions to be uniform. Legislators may not approve of some media organisations' ways. What they have done shows what "I don't agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it" truly means. Furthermore, the government has been given to wearing political make-up and is more and more visibly desirous to influence public opinion. Few approve of such behaviour, which actually encroaches on the freedom of speech and that of the press. Now legislators think certain media organisation's ways of handling news stories are to a certain extent "acceptable". That may be their reaction to the government's manipulation of public opinion.
It remains to be seen how the "war" between Tsang and the media will unfold. However, doubts persist about the two affairs he is involved in. The allegations are no smoke without fire, even less fabrications (as he has called them). There are reasonable grounds for suspicion.
For example, whether Tsang meant the CFL policy to profit his son's father-in-law depends on how it was made. He has already announced it. How it was made need not remain secret. The government should make public the information so that citizens will know what role Tsang played in each of the stages of its formulation. If there is no evidence of any desire to "transfer benefit", the matter will end, and there will be nothing about it any reporter or critic can write or talk about.
As for his sister-in-law's compensation, Tsang accused media organisations of acting on unsubstantiated evidence. What Lehman Brothers product did she invest in? Why did she get compensation with the help of lawmaker Abraham Razack when banks were prepared to settle only with Lehman Brothers minibond investors who were senior citizens? These questions are such that one cannot help but suspect Tsang's capacity may have been an influence.
What citizens think about the two affairs depends wholly on facts. If Tsang produces substantiated evidence that he did not mean the CFL policy to profit his son's father-in-law and he had nothing to do with his sister-in-law's compensation, citizens will come to a fair judgement.
Tsang heads the SAR. As lawmaker Regina Ip has said, he ought to be honest and clean - "whiter than white". What one says may not be a fact. People's mouths cannot be stopped otherwise than with substantiated evidence.
明報社評 2009.10.28 猛批傳媒無助澄清真相 曾蔭權最好讓事實說話有關慳電膽和弟婦雷曼產品賠償兩宗事件,行政長官曾蔭權高調反擊個別傳媒的報道處理,措辭嚴厲。不過,無論曾蔭權的回應再強烈,都無助於釐清真相,反而起激化事態的效果。曾蔭權要求得到公平對待,完全可以理解,但是就這兩件事,確有合理懷疑之處,政府、曾蔭權和相關人等僅靠一些說法,不可能完全釋疑。我們認為,就慳電膽事件,曾蔭權應該下令公開決策全過程,至於其弟婦的雷曼產品賠償,則可情商銀行公開相關資料。讓事實說話,以取信於民。
encroach /In'krt/ intrude (especially on another's territory or rights).
unfold /n'fld/ develop.
a thing (or person) that affects the way a person (or another) behaves or thinks.

